Ysabella's Corner

Welcome to my "crib"

Monday, July 25, 2005

Love you

These words are my own, from my heart flow,I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,There's no other way to better say I love you, i love you

Ain't life hard

Life is so tough for a 10 day old, Eat, Poop,Pee, Sleep,....Cry, Eat, Poop, Pee, Sleep.....Cry....

Teepy Beauty

Do the hands "in da air" mean that she has given up ? -OR- would this simply be an indication that at this moment she has decided sleeping would be much more relaxing then making daddy walk around the room singing.

All the girls

All daddy and Baby

Daddy Baby Montage

more visitors

Granddaddy holding the baby, Grandma too

MawMaw Wilson is visiting !

Baby and grandma

It's Teepy Time !

Mommy and baby getting some much needed rest,

Drama Queen is now happy for Grandma

It's just Water Sweetie !

EveryOne is going to be an Event

If these photos are any indication, bath time will become a docudrama.....

Scrubbin that head

Wearing a doo rag will cause you to sweat,

I don't like being clean

Woo, can you tell she does not like taking a bath ?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Bath time ? What you mean time for a Bath...

As you can see, she is not much into being clean right now. As upset as she is dad is equally, in a couple seconds i will realize i have forgotten a towel, lotion, nightie.....its a learning curve.

Daddy's Girl

Now What ?

When the baby gets home you have to do something with her.....obviously you don't want to do this. She is really pissed.


Her first "close up" at the hospital on July 13th '05....she's got her doo rag on !

My First Diaper Change at home....

Finally ! Home Sweet Home

Our little girl, at home and relaxing. Already thinks she owns the place.

Putting me in the Car Seat 2 Go Home

Time To Go Home !

You didn't think she would leave quietly did you ?

Sleeping in the Hospital

Dad attempts to become a photo journalist.....

sugar check time

Nurses keep coming to check her sugar, every two hours they prick her little foot.

So far everything is A O K

My First Visitors ! Jay and JayCee

Erica's MidWife

Monica stayed with Erica all day to make sure our little girl came out Perfect.

Thank you !!!

In her Hospital Bed

My little sweetie, she is 'teepin in her little bed

Ysabella Raegan Saldi 07-13-05

Proud GrandParents

Mommy,Daddy,Baby for the first time together

Here we all are ! Daddy didn't have to do anything, just take the pictures !!

Mommies helpful Nurses

Sylvia and Janelle, the two nurses that helped mommy so so much.

Nurse Amy also helped bunches.

Shes a TarHeel

She is a Carolina Girl, TarHeel thru and thru.

Our first shot

Nurse Janelle gives the little angel, princess,boo,tater,sweetie,tinkie,wawa
Her first shot.

By the way, if your wondering...its past 10:30pm on the 13th

Time to Weigh the Baby !

Nurse Janelle weighs are little girl.....umm i mean big girl ?

9 pounds 2 ounces !

Here She IS !!

After 28 hours of labor, mommy and baby are one. Ysabella Raegan and Erica Rachel, all the pain was worth it.

We love you sugar.


Oh Yeah

Now thats what im talking about....give me some of that mmm mmm, some of that hee hee...Errr, well suppose dad can make light of the situation. Any how Jody has taken care of mom.

Nurse Jody

Nurse Jody is going to speed things up, or at least we thought :)

Mom says " give it to me " ...... as much as you got !!

Time after Time....

The Clock on the Wall
Says it All

Popsicle Heaven !

Mom's one salvation, a popsicle ! Despite the pain that Grape Icy Frozen Treat is Heaven.


Poor mommy, she is beginning to hurt regularly.

Shame on daddy for taking these pictures